FAQs: Questions about Entries, Premiums, and more:

1. What if I don't get a premium, can I still enter?

Yes, I design the trial web pages with all the same information that is in the premium.  You can simply print out the new Web Page Entry Form directly from the web or you can use any entry form.

2.  Do I need to use the entry form in the premium?

No, I will accept ANY AKC agility entry form.  It can be from another club or one of the generic blank forms.  Just cross out the original Club's name and date and put in the correct club and trial dates.  The trial premium and entry form is available to download from that web site in both a Word document format and a PDF file format.

3.  Can I get a premium mailed to me?

Yes, I will mail you a premium if you can not download or print the premium or entry forms. Please only request a mailed premium after your have checked the trial website and decide you want to enter that trial.   

Please understand that unlike a Club, which sends out usually one premium a year - I handle and send out 20 different premiums a year at a cost to me of approximately $1.75 per premium (with printing, postage and labor) which I have to pay for.  My database of exhibitors is well over 2,500 owners.   It is not feasible to mail out premiums to everyone for every trial.    I wish it were otherwise, but that is a real world reality.

That is why I put so much information on the trial's webpage, so that you can see if you really do want to enter this trial before requesting a mailed premium.

If you do need a mailed premium - just reply to the email I sent you and let me know that you are unable to open or print the emailed premium and request a mailed premium and include your name and full mailing address and I will send you one right away.

You will remain on my AKC Email Premium list even if you do ask for a mailed premium.

4.  When I try to download, I get a window that asks me to "Enter Network Password". What do I do?

Just click the "CANCEL"  button and then the file will open. Do the same thing if the box appears when returning back to this web page.

5.  How do I know who to make the check out to and mail it to?

Depending on the trial checks might be made out to the Club itself or to Fast Times.  Just check the trials web page or the premium and entry form.  I know it may be confusing.

What is the difference between a Limited, and Unlimited trial?

Most of the trials I handle are limited with the limits usually being 600, 900, or 1200 runs per day.  That means that I can only accept that number of runs for each day.  Unlimited trials have not limit on the number of runs per day.  Random Draw

What is the difference between a First Received, Random Draw, Postmark date, and Worker Preference methods of entry?

A.  First received method opens on a specific date and time.  All entries received before that date cannot be accepted.  Entries are accepted in the order that they are received after that opening date and time.  This method is used for AKC trials and also for other venues.

B.  Random Draw method has an specified opening period of time when entries are accepted for the random draw.  Entries for Random draw have a restriction of not more than 10 dogs per envelope for the draw.  It is not necessary to overnight entries for a random draw as long as you are sure that the mailed entry will arrive before the random draw period closing date. The opening period may be from 2-4 weeks and must have a specific random draw opening and random draw closing date and time.  Shortly after the Random draw closing, at the date, time, and place specified, the random draw is held.  The club is allowed to set aside 30 owner/dog entries for the first ring and 25 owner/dog entries for each additional ring that are automatically accepted and do not have to be drawn.  Entries are drawn from all the entries until the trial is filled.  If the trial does not fill with the number of entries received before the Random Draw date - then there is no draw need.  This method is used for many agility venues.

C. Postmark date entry method is used by NADAC and USDAA but is not allowed by AKC.   You don not need to overnight any entry if this method is used (do not waste your money doing that)  In this method the secretary waits until it is reasonable to expect that all the letters postmarked in the opening date will have arrived.  This is usually within 10 days.  Entries are accepted by postmark date order until the trial is filled.  Each days entries are accepted in a random fashion and continues random accepting by each successive postmark date until the trial is full.

D.  Worker Preference method.  This method is allowed only in USDAA and NADAC.  This allows club to give preference to exhibitors who volunteer to work at the trial.  I am not currently sure how this is applied to Random draw and Postmark date methods.  I apply it in the First Received and Postmark date by taking the first day received or postmark date entries and then choosing the worker/volunteers first then do the same thing to each successive days entries.  Check back as I will post more about the rules for this when I get them from the agility organizations. 

How do I know if I should be in Novice A and Novice B classes?

 The Novice Agility & Novice Jumpers With Weaves Classes are divided into Divisions A and B.  Division A is for dogs that have never acquired any AKC agility title.  Additionally, a dog entered in Novice A must be handled by a person that has never put an AKC agility title on any dog, and the handler must be the Owner, Co-owner, or member of the Owner’s household.  Handlers that co-own a dog and have never put an AKC Agility title on a dog may enter the Novice A class regardless of the other co-owner’s AKC Agility accomplishments. Dogs eligible for Novice A may be entered in the Novice B Class at the discretion of the Owner.  Division B is for dogs that have acquired the Novice Agility title, or the Novice Jumpers With Weaves title, or for persons who have handled a dog to any AKC Agility title, and for dogs being handled by someone other than the Owner, Co-owner, or household member subject to the restrictions listed above.  A dog may continue to be shown in the Novice B Class until they have acquired a qualifying score towards their Open title.  Whenever the Novice Class is offered, both divisions A and B must be offered.

What are the rules about getting a title and moving to Novice B

Dogs having attained their first AKC Agility Title (Std OR JWW) must be moved to the Nov B Class (Std and/or JWW) for all trials for which entries have not closed.  Once a trial has closed, a dog cannot be moved from Nov A to Nov B.  If entries have already closed on the date the dog obtained its title, the dog shall remain in the class in which it was originally entered OR be moved up a level (Nov to Open) at the request of the owner subject to the move-up criteria.

How do I move up my dog to a higher class?

Simply email, fax or mail the moveup form or all the moveup information to me.  Be sure to include in and email your full name, dogs call name and moving from and to information.

What are the Move Up deadlines?

Dogs are moved up to a higher class at the request of the owner, as a result of qualifying for an agility title, provided that the request is made to the Trial Secretary not later than 6 pm on the Monday preceding the set of trials for trials starting on a Thursday-Sunday. For trials that start on Monday-Wednesday, move-ups preceding the set of trials shall be accepted if received by the Trial Secretary no later than seven (7) days prior to the trial (i.e., for a Tuesday trial move-up requests must be made prior to noon on the previous Tuesday). It is recommended that catalogs be printed with all dogs listed in the proper class that they are actually running in, having accounted for move-ups.

Day-to-Day Move-ups: Move-ups from day-to-day at a set of back-to-back agility trials shall be at the discretion of the club. The request for moving up must be made to the Trial Secretary not later than the day preceding the event. The club shall state clearly in its premium list whether move-ups will be allowed "day-today."

Dogs having attained their first AKC Agility Title (Std or JWW) must be moved to the Nov B Class (Std or JWW) for all trials for which entries have not closed. Once a trial has closed its entries, a dog cannot be moved from Novice A to Novice B. If entries have already closed on the date the dog obtained its title, the dog shall remain in the class in which it was originally entered or be moved up in level (i.e., Novice to Open) at the request of the owner; subject to the moveup criteria.

What if I need to withdraw my dog from the trial?

You can withdraw a dog from the trial any time before the trial's closing date and will be entitled to a refund.  I do charge a $5.00 processing fee for any refund.   All cancellations and refund requests MUST include your full name and mailing address or I can not accept it.   Please send separate refund requests for each trial that you are withdrawing from as these must be sent to the each club.  There will be a $5.00 processing fee for all refunds.  If you dog is in season, she will not be eligible to participate.  There will be a refund of entries due to dog in season after the trial has closed.  A Veterinarian's note must accompany any bitch in season refund request.









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