South Jersey Agility Club
Saturday & Sunday
July 15-16, 2017

Metuchen Sportsplex
215 Durham Ave., Metuchen, NJ 08840

Judges  -  Forms  -  Directions  -  Trial Help  -  Refunds  -  Weather  -  Detailed Map  -  Links




Please note that there was a judge change for this trial.





SOJAC High-in-Trial Awards


SOJAC will be presenting 8 High-In-Trial Awards at their upcoming July Trial.


Awards will be presented at the Novice, Novice Preferred, Open, Open Preferred, Excellent, Excellent Preferred, Masters, and Masters Preferred levels.


  • Scoring will be cumulative over all three days of the trial and winners will be announced on Sunday as each level finishes. No need to be present to win.


  • Scores will be used from Standard and Jumpers classes only. All competitors entered in Jumpers and Standard will be automatically eligible -- no additional entry fee.


  • All jump heights will be competing together at each level for High In Trial. Scores will be determined by qualifying runs plus seconds under course time.


Highest Cumulative Score wins!!!


High-In-Trial Winners will receive a check for $25.00 and a "High In Trial" Rosette.


Good luck to all!



ENTRIES OPEN: Tues., May 30, 2017 at 7 AM
ENTRIES CLOSE:   Tues., June 27, 2017 at 6 PM
LIMIT850 runs per day
ENTRY METHOD:  First Received.
SITE:  Metuchen Sportsplex 215 Durham Ave, Metuchen, NJ 08840
TRIAL CHAIRPERSON: Susan Bintliff, 286 Hapete Trail, Medford Lakes, NJ 
08055 609-410-0889,
TRIAL SECRETARY:  Click to email me  Fast Times, 125 Hope Road, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724-3008.   Phone 732-603-1143  Fax 1-888-521-1706

HEIGHT CARDS & MEASURING: There MAY be an Official Measurer at this trial, if there is then ALL DOGS REGARDLESS OF THEIR JUMP HEIGHT without a height card or valid temporary measurement slip will have to be measured.  For more information about measuring CLICK HERE.
: 7:30 am,  All Judging will be indoors. Surface: Sport Turf, Ring Size: 75’ x 125’, Show Hours 7 AM to 7 PM.  Open to all breeds.
PRELIMINARY CONFIRMATIONS: Fast Times will send preliminary confirmations either as attachments via email or in the body of an email to all exhibitors who provide their email address.  If you do not have and email address and want a preliminary confirmation, please send a stamped self-addressed envelope.
PREMIUM: The Trial Premium and Trial entry Forms are available in both .DOC (Microsoft Word Document) or .PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader format).  To Download the Trial Premium or the Trial Entry Form just click on the file type you want.  Be Patient - it may talk a few minutes to load.

NEW: If you are unable to download these files, please click HERE.


SOJAC JULY Premium.doc (100K)

SOJAC JULY Premium.pdf (80K)

Remember - You can type your dogs data DIRECTLY in the Word .doc entry form and print it out.

NOTE: If you get an "Enter Network Password" window when trying to download any of these files, just click "CANCEL" and then the file will open. Do the same thing if the box appears when returning back to this web page.

To download FREE Adobe Reader click on the logo below.


Susan Thompson: 864 Richlandtown Rd, Quakertown, PA 18951

Robert Thompson: 864 Richlandtown Rd, Quakertown, PA 18951

Christie Bowers: 4487 S Highway 304, Rosansky, TX 78953



Are you interested in helping? To ensure that our trial runs smoothly, the Club is looking for extra steward help. Please let us know if you’re interested by sending email to BONNIE OVNICEK, 574 VILLAGE RD WEST, PRINCETON JCT, NJ 08550 phone 609-658-0300  email: or by sending us the form in the premium.  We’ll have a special treat for those who help on the trial days! Thanks in Advance!


Directions to Metuchen Sportsplex, 215 Durham Ave, Metuchen, N.J.
More directions available from:

Directions from NJ Turnpike

Take the NJ turnpike North or South to Exit 10. Follow signs to Route 287 North. Take Route 287 North and exit at Route 27 North (Exit 2). Proceed on Lincoln Highway/Route 27 about 1/4 mile at the light turn LEFT onto Bridge Street follow to the end Make a right on to New Durham Rd about 1/4 mile make a left on to Hampton Street follow road to the end. Then make a right on to Durham Ave. Metuchen Sportsplex entrance is just ahead on your right.

 Directions from Garden State Parkway

Take GSP South to EXIT 130, "Route 1 North/South" exit. Stay right and merge onto Route 1 South toward Trenton. Travel about 2.5 miles on Route 1 South to Route 287 North (pass Menlo Park Mall, go through one traffic light, go over hill and Route 287 entrance ramp is at far right at bottom of hill). Take Route 287 North and exit at Route 27 North (Exit 2). Proceed on Lincoln Highway/Route 27 about 1/4 mile at the light turn LEFT onto Bridge Street follow to the end Make a right on to New Durham Rd about 1/4 mile make a left on to Hampton Street follow road to the end. Then make a right on to Durham Ave. Metuchen Sportsplex entrance is just ahead





Please refer to premium list for more information regarding refunds.
Trial results showing the qualifiers for the trial will be available a few days after the trial.

Check back to see updated information.


Web page created by Gail Shaw


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