Companion Dog Club |
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ENTRIES OPEN: TUES., April 18, 2017 at 8 AM. ENTRIES CLOSE: TUES., May 16, 2017 at 6 PM LIMIT: UNLIMITED ENTRY METHOD: First Received SITE: East Freehold Park, 250 Kosloski Road, Freehold, New Jersey 07728 TRIAL CHAIRPERSONS: Denise Marden 908-770-9592 4 Argyle Lane, Manalapan, NJ 07726 marden89@hotmail.com TRIAL SECRETARY: Click to email me Fast Times, 125 Hope Road, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724-3008 Phone 732-603-1143 Fax 1-888-521-1706 HEIGHT CARDS & MEASURING: There MAY be an Official Measurer at this trial, if there is then ALL DOGS REGARDLESS OF THEIR JUMP HEIGHT without a height card will have to be measured. If there is NOT a measurer at the trial then - All 8-20" jump height dogs with out height cards or yellow measurement slips will need to be wicketed by the judge before running. We will wicket any 8-20" dogs in the morning and throughout they day if needed. For more information about being measured or wicketed at this trial CLICK HERE. PRELIMINARY CONFIRMATIONS: Fast Times will send preliminary confirmations either as attachments via email or in the body of an email to all exhibitors who provide their email address. If you do not have and email address and want a preliminary confirmation, please send a stamped self-addressed envelope. PREMIUM: The Trial Premium and Trial entry Forms are available in both .DOC (Microsoft Word Document) or .PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader format). To Download the Trial Premium or the Trial Entry Form just click on the file type you want. Be Patient - it may talk a few minutes to load. NOTE: If you are unable to download these files, please click HERE. |
Remember - You can type your dogs data DIRECTLY in the Word .doc entry form and print it out. NOTE: If you get an "Enter Network Password" window when trying to download any of these files, just click "CANCEL" and then the file will open. Do the same thing if the box appears when returning back to this web page. To download FREE Adobe Reader click on the logo below. |
Kristine Schmidt: 384 BIRCH HOLLOW DR, SHIRLEY, NY 11967 Barbara Bounds: 12458 Key Lime Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33412
Are you interested in
helping? To ensure that our trial runs smoothly, the clubs is
looking for volunteers. Please let us know if youre interested by
sending an email to |
From North:
GSP (Garden State Pkwy) South to Route 9, South on Route 9 towards
Freehold. Take exit for Route 18 South (left exit).
Follow Route 18 South to exit for Route 537 West (towards
Freehold). Before second
light on Route 537 West, follow sign bearing to the right jug handle in
order to make a left on Kozloski Rd.
Show site is approximately 0.5 miles on the right.
Please see the premium for further information regarding refunds. |
Trial results showing the qualifiers for
the trial will be available a few days after the trial. |